Singapore uses a new method to track the spread of the Corona virus without having to monitor phones

Singapore uses a new method to track the spread of the Corona virus without having to monitor phones

There are many ways to track the spread of the Corona virus, and most of them use citizens’ phones, such as technology to track communications from Apple and Google that were launched last month. 5.7 million people in order to identify people who are in contact with people living with HIV. This is the largest effort to track contact worldwide.

Singapore uses a new method to track the spread of the Corona virus without having to monitor phones 2

(Vivian Balakrishnan) The minister in charge of the Smart Nation Initiative said: “Singapore will introduce the device soon and it may then distribute it to everyone in Singapore.” The government has not determined whether the device is obligated to carry.

For information, new devices can be placed in a handbag or wrapped around the neck of children with a rope, and this small technology has been applied in South Korea.

This technology is also used by countries such as Bahrain and Hong Kong to monitor people subject to quarantine.

Singapore uses a new method to track the spread of the Corona virus without having to monitor phones 3

The government’s TraceTogether app had problems earlier on Apple devices, the bluetooth wipe issue was not resolved and the data collected by the app was encrypted and stored locally on the user’s phone and sent to the authorities if the person was confirmed to be infected with the virus. Singapore is one of the largest HIV-infected countries in Asia and is trying to use technology to allow it to safely reopen its economy.

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