program to convert your computer or laptop to Wi-Fi

program to convert your computer or laptop to Wi-Fi

My Public WiFi is one of the programs available on the free internet platform that is used to distribute the Internet and create a network of passwords and the name that you choose freely to distribute the Internet through a laptop or office computer, and if you use the router and distribution via the Internet, you can use the hotspots feature that Provided by the program.

In order to expand the Wi-Fi patch and connect to multiple Wi-Fi devices from phones, tablets or tabs
Through this program, you can connect to the Internet in a way using the local network that the program creates after installing it on your computer or laptop, by knowing and controlling the connected devices
My public Wi-Fi software is famous for ease of use and also supports Arabic language and control settings, and adding the network name and password on the network to prevent any hackers from using the new network that I created.

Simple note: – When using this program on a computer, you must have a Wi-Fi card to broadcast the signal through it and enjoy the Internet by sharing it with all your friends.

But if you have a laptop, you won’t need a Wi-Fi card because the laptop has an internal card that broadcasts Wi-Fi, and you can just install the software and enjoy the internet easily.

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To run the program, you must give the administrator permission to open it without any problems, by right-clicking the play icon and choosing the word Run as administrator, you will find the main screen that appears at the top as in the image,

Also, through the settings, you can set the language settings to the Arabic language through administration and choose Arabic or English,
In order for the program to work, you must adjust the connection settings, you can enter the network name and password and the ability to share the network with other people, then the access point feature will start and the network name will appear as follows

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Advantages : –
You can see the number of connected to the network
Learn about their contact information to find out which hackers you have created
It works on all versions of Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 with 32-bit and 64-bit,
The size of the program does not exceed 2MB
You can take full control of the program with ease

Information about the program
Information about the version of the My Public WiFi software for the computer
Program version: My Public WiFi 5.1
The official website of the program
The size of the program: 1MB
Software license: Free
Download the program from direct link from Mikano Server Informatics, click here

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